Monthly Archives: September 2018

We Almost Lost SoCal

Nuclear-Waste-Dump by-the-Sea

September 26, 2018

The controversial loading of high-level nuclear waste in thin-walled steel canisters into concrete silos just yards from the beach at Southern California Edison’s shutdown San Onofre nuclear plant has been temporarily halted by potentially game-changing events that happened early in August.  Some experts say the near accident could have been as serious as Chernobyl and Fukushima all rolled into one.

Here are background video reports and commentary from systems analyst Donna Gilmore.
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UN No Nukes Day – Envisioning a Peaceful, Post-Nuclear Planet

International Day for
the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons

Sculpture depicting St. George slaying the dragon. The dragon is created from fragments of Soviet SS-20 and United States Pershing nuclear missiles. UN Photo/Milton Grant

“The total elimination of nuclear weapons remains the highest disarmament priority of the United Nations.”

Securing Our Common Future: An Agenda for Disarmament

What better way to honor this day of planetarian intentioneering than with the eloquent statements of participants in the recent Hiroshima Day Commemoration at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory in Livermore, California, a key hub in the U.S. nuclear weapons complex ‘Doomsday Machine.’

Here is EON’s coverage of this spirited yearly event, featuring Key Note Speaker, celebrated Pentagon defense analyst-cum-whistleblower, Daniel Ellsberg.
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