Suing for Nuclear Justice – Korea, Japan & the US

Japanese & Korean colleagues listen as attorney Charles Bonner reports on his lawsuit on behalf of US sailors harmed by Fukushima fallout.

Japanese & Korean colleagues listen as attorney Charles Bonner reports on his lawsuit on behalf of US sailors harmed by Fukushima fallout.

Litigating Nuclear Energy’s Toxic Legacy [ cross-posted on ]

As the harm radioactive contamination does to human health and the environment becomes more widespread and undeniable, the international nuclear industry is beginning to face a barrage of litigation its victims around the world.

On Friday, July 17, 2015, in Rohnert Park California, a delegation of South Korean and Japanese litigants on a tour of the West Coast teamed up with a US attorney to report on the progress of their respective lawsuits.

Entitled ‘Taking Nuclear to Court in Japan, Korea and the USA,’ the program was co-sponsored by Project Censored, Fukushima Response, EON, and Sonoma Peace & Justice Center.

In this edition we present the first three segments of the program. Please watch this space for more to come.

Choi Seungkoo is the Secretary General of No Nukes Asia Action (NNAA), a Japanese nonprofit organization that recently filed the Reactor Suppliers Lawsuit to hold companies that profited from Fukushima’s nuclear operations responsible for the continuing nuclear disaster (GE, Hitachi, Toshiba). The suit has almost 4000 plaintiffs from Japan, Mongolia, South Korea, Taiwan, Russia, the US, Canada, and Malaysia.

Attorney Charles Bonner gives an update on his class action litigation on behalf of military personnel harmed by exposure to Fukushima fallout during an aid mission. The suit targets the plant operator and its manufacturers.

More to come:

Lee Jin Seop has successfully sued his local nuclear operator. He charges that radioactive pollution caused his wife's cancer and his son's autism.

Lee Jin Seop has successfully sued his local nuclear operator. He charges that radioactive pollution caused his wife’s cancer and his son’s autism.

In the forthcoming segments, Lee Jin Seop talks about his wife’s case and other lawsuits that have been filed in S. Korea, seeking to establish judicial accountability for the dangers of nuclear power, and compensation for the cancers it can cause.

Rev. Deasoo Lee

Rev. Deasoo Lee

Rev. Deasoo Lee, the pastor of the Shinano-machi Church in Tokyo, points to the role faith communities can play in educating their members about the dangers of nuclear power.

Here’s EON’s background coverage on the USS Reagan lawsuit.